Physical Education



For the Prep students, the focus will be on completing
dance topics, creating movement patterns to music,
and following teacher-led dances. They will also learn
basic soccer movements and skills and practise AFL
kicking with modified equipment while participating in
various games and discussing the health benefits and
their feelings towards the activities.

Junior students will be engaged in team-oriented
games of t-ball and kickball, aiming to maximise points
for their teams. They will also work on improving their
fielding to prevent the opposing team from scoring.
Fitness improvement and discussing health benefits
will continue to be important in this age group.
Middle students will cover topics in soccer, netball,
and fitness, practising skills and participating in
modified games to apply what they've learned. They
will also be introduced to Newcombe, a modified
volleyball game.

Senior students will have a diverse term in sports,
participating in four different topics. They will learn
European Handball and take charge of running,
umpiring, and timing soccer games. They will also play
Newcombe and then progress to Volleystars, a
modified volleyball game. To conclude the term, they
will learn netball skills and gameplay.

Middle and Senior students will also take part in
athletic events practice and House Athletics on
Thursday 8th August. Some students will move
through to district level competition.


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