Welcome to Prep! We have had such a successful start to the year with students settling into school quickly. Students are separating from their parents beautifully and we are proud of how happy they are to be at school.
This term we have a heavy focus on phonics- learning the most common sounds the letters of the alphabet make. We will be learning 3 sounds a week and will learn to blend these sounds together to make small words (eg. b-i-g = big). The students are beginning to explore books and will be starting to track the words with their finger, recognise letters, sight words and different pictures within the texts we read. Using this information they will begin to understand that texts can tell us different stories and information.
During writing sessions, students are practising writing their name, starting with a capital letter, followed by lowercase letters and using appropriate pencil grip. We will be learning how to form the shapes that make our letters using the Hartley Knows handwriting program and will begin to form letters later in the term.
This term in Numeracy, students are working on counting forwards to and backwards from 10 with organised 1-to-1 correspondence. They will also partition and combine numbers up to 10. In Maths, we will spend time learning about and making patterns using colours and various two-dimensional shapes.
The Preps will also work with Mrs. Fillis to explore concepts of measurement, including lighter and heavier, longer and shorter and full and empty.
Topic: Getting Along
As the Preps settle into their new school environment, we are focusing on learning different social skills to assist them with play out in the yard and when working with others in the classroom. We will learn about identifying and correctly managing different emotions using the Zones of Regulation and the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships program.
How can I support my child’s learning at home?
Read aloud to your child: Before we begin to send home our take home books, we encourage parents/carers to read with their child regularly.
Take Home Reading: Around Week 6, we will have introduced the sounds that the letters ‘SATPIN’ make and we will therefore be sending all students home with a decodable book. These books will include small words using the ‘SATPIN’ letters. Encourage your child to sound these out as they begin to read. At this time, we will also be sending home more specific ways to support your child to read at home.
Ask students about what letter they learnt about at school: Ask your child to say the phonics rhyme that goes with that letter, the sound it makes, what the letter looks like in upper and lower case as well as starting to find these letters in their everyday environment.
We look forward to continuing a great first term in Prep. If you would like to contact us further please do so via phone or through the Sentral Parent portal.
Hayleigh, Bree and Alysha
Hayleigh Dunn, Bree Brown & Alysha Mayne
© Copyright Kingsley Park Primary School