We are looking forward to finishing the year with many exciting activities. Students will begin our new Inquiry unit which will include exploring the history of celebrations and days of importance.
Middle students will be applying their new skills learnt throughout the year, including the real life application of fractions. Year 4s will be embarking on an adventure to Waratah Beach Camp. Middles will also be
looking forward to our Beach Program and finishing the year with Christmas festivities.
In English this term students will continue to explore figurative language to express their feelings and perspectives. Students will then use this understanding of figurative language when exploring different types of poetry such as: Limerick, Haiku, Quatrain, Free Verse and will create a modal presentation and share these to the class using their iPads.
The Year 4 students will revisit persuasive writing, focusing on the language features such as emotive words, rhetorical questions and modality verbs, while the Year 3 students will work on information reports. Both writing text types will be linked with our inquiry unit. Students will choose an occasion that they believe should be recognised and celebrated by our nation. They will then have to either convince their audience by developing arguments in a persuasive text or write an informative report on their chosen topic.
Students will continue with weekly lessons in Spelling in order to support them in building letter-sound knowledge and their ability to apply their spelling knowledge in daily writing.
This term students will model and represent multiples of unit fractions up to a whole. They will count by halves, thirds and quarters, and locate these on a number line. Using a fraction wall, they will investigate simple equivalent fractions (eg/ two quarters = one half). Students will use simple decimals to solve money problems including total cost and calculate change required in simple transactions.
The students will be given opportunities to build upon their knowledge of measuring mass, volume and capacity. They will list events where the chance of one will not be affected by the occurrence of the other. As well as interpret simple grids and maps and use the axis to locate given coordinates.
Inquiry: Celebrations
This term students will look at the history of how celebrations have changed over time. They will begin by interviewing a family member to find out about how childhood experiences have changed, and look forward to what celebrations we celebrate today and why.
Students are expected to read a minimum of five nights a week and record their reading in their journals. They should also continue to learn their times tables.
Our classrooms are open from 8:35 am each morning for students to get themselves organised, so learning time can start promptly at 8:45am. Students are required to bring a water bottle each day and need to wear their school hats during any outdoor activity.
Hannah Wight M20 Gianna Salerni M5
Leonie Heeley M22 Niambh O’Reilly M6
Lynda Cameron and Sarah Macdonald M23
© Copyright Kingsley Park Primary School