Student Wellbeing

At the heart of the educational program of learning and experience at Kingsley Park Primary School is the happiness and safety of the children in their activities.


Our Wellbeing and Child Safety Policies cater for the emotional, social and physical wellbeing of each child.


We strive to produce socially acceptable behaviour that respects the rights of others and encourages the individual to accept responsibility for and logical consequences of their actions.


Wellbeing is based upon the values of co-operation, self-worth, mutual respect and shared responsibilities. The exercise of self control and discipline will establish a co-operative system in which each child’s self-esteem is nurtured.


Co-operation and liaison between parents and teachers will cultivate an atmosphere in which desirable models of behaviour can be developed and practised.


Communication between home and school reinforces and encourages our children to develop desirable social attitudes, enabling them to cope at work and play.


Our school should be orderly, safe and organised, recognising and respecting the individual within the system.


To implement this policy, a code of conduct (responsibility of School Council) that sets the expectation of self discipline and encourages co-operation and respect for others, has been developed. Each child is expected to function amicably and fruitfully within this framework.

Management of Student Behaviours

Goals and Objectives:

The Code of Conduct for Kingsley Park Primary School has been formulated within and is consistent with DET (Department of Education and Training) guidelines.


The Kingsley Park Primary School community aims to:

  • provide a safe, secure and orderly learning environment that meets the needs of all children
  • foster high standards of behaviour based on co-operation, respect, responsibility and self       discipline

Principles Concerning the Rights and Responsibilities of Students, Parents and Teachers:

 All children have the right to work and play without interference or discrimination

  • all children will be encouraged to develop their individual talents, interests and abilities
  • all children will display behaviour which is polite, courteous and well mannered
  • all children will be encouraged to exhibit pride in their school
  • teachers should expect to be able to teach in an atmosphere of order and co-operation so  children can achieve the best possible learning outcomes
  • parents have an obligation to support the school in its efforts to maintain a productive teaching and learning environment.
  • the Principal and Staff have an obligation to implement the Code of Conduct fairly, reasonably and consistently


Guide to the Management of Student Behaviour:


The management of student behaviour is a co-operative partnership between students, teachers and parents.


A consistent and positive approach to behaviour will foster a school climate where personal  responsibility and self discipline are developed.


We are committed to the following strategies:

  • giving positive reinforcement to build upon self esteem
  • acknowledging student achievements in the classroom, playground, newsletter and at assemblies or on special occasions
  • encouraging co-operation and friendship
  • requiring children to accept responsibility for their actions
  • providing adequate supervision in the school grounds
  • promoting understanding, awareness and commitment to the school rules

The following documents are an integral part of the management of student behaviour at Kingsley Park Primary School:

  • Student Engagement and Wellbeing Policy
  • Child Safe Policy          
  • Sun Smart Policy
  • Disability and Impairment Policy
  • Equal Opportunity Policy
  • Student Dress Code
  • Anti-bullying Policy


These policies are essential to the wellbeing of all school members and are subject to ongoing  review within DET guidelines.


Breaches may incur some consequence or action, including the following:

  • apologising
  • restorative conversation with teacher and those involved during break times
  • loss of privileges
  • cleaning up or repairing what has been broken
  • completing extra tasks or duties eg. yard duty
  • time out of the yard during breaks
  • time out in classroom / withdrawal area under supervision
  • parents contacted
  • suspension
  • expulsion


When it is believed that a student’s behaviour warrants suspension, the Principal will ensure that every reasonable step is taken to arrange a meeting with the parents and, if appropriate, the student to discuss:

  • the student’s behaviour and performance
  • the strategies being developed within the school to meet the educational needs of the student
  • the possibility of suspension, should inappropriate behaviour continue
  • the responsibility of the parents, should suspension be considered necessary


The School Principal has the authority to permanently exclude a student from the school.  Permanent expulsion from the school will be used only after other forms of behaviour management, as previously outlined, have been exhausted.



Respectful Relationships


What is Respectful Relationships?

Respectful Relationships is about tackling family violence through education.

Rosie Batty, CEO of the Luke Batty Foundation “the school community is an essential part of social reform by modelling a culture of respect through the whole school, not just by teaching respect in the classroom”.

In 2021, respectful relationships education will be taught as part of the Victorian curriculum. The Victorian Government is supporting schools to model respectful relationships across the whole school community as part of its commitment to respectful relationships education.

The Government is providing Victorian schools with a range of extra supports and resources including, new Respectful Relationships teaching and learning materials.

In the classroom, children will learn problem-solving skills, to develop empathy, support their own wellbeing and build healthy relationships with others. The initiative will also provide resources to best support children and staff who are affected by family violence.


When children build positive relationships with their teachers and peers they feel safer and happier at school, are more resilient and have positive social attitudes. Positive relationships also increase a child’s sense of social connectedness and belonging which can result in better health and academic outcomes.

Further information about Respectful Relationships is available on the Department of Education and Training


Child Safe

Kingsley Park Primary School’s commitment to Child Safety

Kingsley Park Primary School is committed to safety and wellbeing of all children and young people, and has a zero tolerance for child abuse.


Kingsley Park Primary School is committed to providing a safe environment where children and young people are safe, and their voices are heard about decisions that affect their lives.

Particular attention will be paid to the cultural safety of Aboriginal children and children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, as well as the safety of children with a disability.


Every person involved in Kingsley Park Primary School has a responsibility to understand the important and specific role he/she plays individually and collectively to ensure that the wellbeing and safety of all children and young people is at the forefront of all they do and every decision they make.


For further details or to read our complete Child Safe Policy please refer to the policies section.



Going to school every day is the single most important part of your child’s education. Students learn new things at school every day – missing school puts them behind.

At Kingsley Park Primary School we have 4 attendance mantras:

  • Everyday matters
  • Beat the Bell to be on time for Learning time. 
  • Positive relationships are built at school
  • Learning finishes at 3.15pm

Students are expected to be in the classrooms getting ready for the day at 8.40am and should not be leaving until 3.15pm.


Informing the school of an absence:

It is a requirement that parents/caregivers notify the school on the same day of the child’s absence.

This can be done through the Sentral App or via phone call.

The following absences are acceptable and therefore school approved:

  • Your child is unwell (illness)
  • You are on an extended family holiday (provided that you have informed your child’s classroom teacher/s 2 weeks prior to the holiday and have met with them to create an absence learning plan)
  • Parent choice – school approved: The school approves absences that are beyond parental control. Some examples of school approved absences are:
  • Family matters including bereavement
  • Parent illness

However, there are instances where an absence is unapproved and therefore unauthorised – these are absences that have the biggest impact on student learning, as the student could be at school, but is not. Some examples of school unapproved absences are:

  • Birthdays
  • Going shopping
  • Packing


An absence form has been completed on Sentral, but a reason has not been provided.

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