Lunchtime Clubs
A variety of lunchtime clubs are on offer each term. Regular favourites include Chess Club, Art Club, Educational Minecraft, Running/Walking Club, Traditional Games, Wiggle Wednesday, Indoor games, Dance, Dodgeball and sewing. These are offered on a term basis, see the newsletter for further details about what is on offer each term.
Instrumental Music Lessons
As an addition to our Performing Arts program, students have access to a private instrumental program. Through independent contractors, Kingsley Park offers Keyboard, Clarinet, Flute, Saxophone, Voice and Guitar lessons. 30 minute lessons occur on weekdays between 12.45pm and 4.00pm, after school lessons are an option for parents. We do not interrupt our Literacy and Numeracy programs as these are vital learning time for students. Information about the instrumental program can be collected from the school office.
At Kingsley Park, we strongly encourage student participation in camps. They offer many learning opportunities as well as social and emotional learning. Some children have never spent a night away from home, attending camp with peers and trusted staff allow your children to be comfortable and cared for whilst surrounded by peers. We offer two opportunities to attend camp whilst in Middle and Senior school.
After seeking parent feedback in 2017, to help reduce costs to parents, we have streamlined our camps program to be offered once in Middle school and once in senior school. The camps are very different with our Middle camp based on outdoor experiences and senior camp based on learning about civics and citizenship in the city setting. It is an exciting learning opportunity not to be missed.
Incursions and Excursions
The children at Kingsley Park enjoy the opportunity to experience many different experiences through the incursions and excursion that are planned to support the curriculum.
R.A.C.V Challenge
The RACV Energy Breakthrough is an exciting educational program designed to provide opportunities for students, teachers, parents and local industry to work together to design and construct a vehicle, machine or innovation in technology that will represent an ‘ energy breakthrough’.
At Kingsley Park, 5/6 students are offered the opportunity to be a part of the Kingsley Pushcart Team. On the weekend students must complete 3 elements. These are races, Design and Construction and a presentation.
Throughout the program students improve team work skills, presentation skills, and literacy and numeracy skills. Students have the opportunity to further investigate the science involved with a pushcart as well as improve their physical fitness.
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