Students have settled very quickly into their new classrooms, caught up with their friends and are showing eagerness to progress with their learning goals which has been fantastic to see. We have some new faces in the teaching team in Senior school and students have enjoyed getting to know Mr Schuster and Ms Jamie.
This term, our Year 5s will be completing their NAPLAN assessments and we will have a strong focus on cybersafety, kindness (online and in person) and our 5 values of Respect, Resilience, Community, Excellence and Co-operation.
Classrooms open at 8:35am each morning for students to organise themselves for the day and so learning time can start promptly at 8:45am. There is still ongoing ramp works being completed outside the main building corridor and we ask students from S4 to enter their classrooms via the hallway after the 8.35am bell until further notice.
We love it when our students are ready for their learning, and this includes coming to school daily with a fully charged iPad. Students are required to turn off all notifications on their device and place it in the lockable cabinet in the classroom. Mobile phones need to be handed to their classroom teacher and will be returned at the end of the day.
Please remember sunsmart hats, fruit snack, snack, lunch and a water bottle each day.
The literacy focus this term is developing and improving reading and comprehension strategies and understanding how texts vary in purpose, structure and language. Teachers will share their love of reading by reading a class novel by author David Walliams, who writes engaging and humorous stories. Students are encouraged to read nightly and to log their reading in their new 2025 diaries. Teachers will collect student’s diaries once a week to monitor their reading nights.
Writing: Students will be explicitly taught how to write narrative and persuasive texts with a focus on the different text features used to engage the reader. Students will continue to build on the structure, language and conventions of writing. They will practise revising, editing and publishing their work. Our spelling lessons will begin with language conventions and then move through the spelling sounds. This means there will be no spelling homework in the first half of the term.
In Mathematics, our main focus is to build skills, knowledge and confidence in fluency, understanding, reasoning and problem solving. Our focus in Number and Algebra is the place value system and the four operations. We will be exploring 3D objects and graphing using our Problem Solving strategies.
In term 1 we will focus on building relationships, exploring our values and understanding what it means to Be Safe, Be Respectful and Be a Learner. We will also be learning about ‘Our Global Community’ and exploring the UN’s Global Goals.
Our students will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of games, activities and sports this term including:
11 February: Safer Internet Day
25 February: District Swimming (for those attending)
10 March: Labour Day Holiday
12 - 21 March: Naplan Period (Year 5)
19 March: Courage to Care (Year 6)
28 March: Summer Lightning Premiership
4 April: Last day of Term 1 - 2.30pm finish
Ms Jamie Wittingslow (S1) Mr Brent Schuster (S3)
Ms Elle Sullivan (S2) Mr Kieron Quick (S4)
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