School Uniform

The wearing of a school uniform is compulsory for Years P - 6

There is a large choice of school uniform which includes t-shirts, skort, polo, shorts, track-pant, windcheater etc. We endeavour to provide top quality clothing for children at the lowest possible rates.


Students are required to wear black school shoes or runners (toes and heels must be covered in).


STATE SCHOOL RELIEF are the official supplier of our school uniform.
Details on how to order our school uniform
are listed in information following, under 'Uniform Supplier'
Telephone : 8769 8400 
1/8 Johnston Ct, Dandenong South VIC 3175



State Schools Relief are the official supplier of our school uniform. Orders can be conveniently completed this link:
Sizing charts are below, alternately enquiries can be made directly to State Schools Relief by telephone 8769 8400 or email


Student Dress Code

The following dress code states the expectations Kingsley Park Primary School Council holds with regard to student appearance. This code will apply during school hours, while travelling to and from school and when students are engaged in school activities out of school hours. The Kingsley Park student dress code takes precedence over student’s individual preference in matters of dress.


In developing this code, opportunities for the viewpoints of students, parents and teachers have been made available through public meetings, newsletter articles and surveys, Kingsley Parents Group meetings and School Council meetings.


Purposes of the Kingsley Park Dress Code:

  1. To create a sense of collective and individual pride in Kingsley Park Primary School  students and their identification with our school
  2. To assist in individual student safety and group security when travelling to and from school and on school excursions and activities
  3. To promote active and safe participation in school life
  4. To promote a sense of equality by removing the distraction of fashion garments/brands

Anti-discrimination Laws:


The Kingsley Park Dress Code neither discriminates directly or indirectly against students on the basis of their sex, race, ethnic group, nationality, religious beliefs, colour, disability or socio-economic circumstances. The dress code will apply uniformly across all students except for the exemptions listed below.


Exemptions from the Dress Code:


(i) Grounds for seeking an exemption:

Exemptions from the dress code may be sought if:

  • an aspect of the code offends a religious belief held by the student and/or parents
  • an aspect of the code prevents the student from complying with a requirement of his or her ethnic or cultural background
  • an aspect of the code prevents students with disabilities from being able to attend school or participate in school activities on the same terms as other students
  • a student has a particular health condition that requires an aspect of the code to be departed from
  • the student or the parents can demonstrate temporary economic hardship that prevents them from complying with the code
  • after due consideration, by the Principal, of any other particular circumstances as demonstrated by the students or parents


(ii) Procedures for seeking an exemption:

  • Requests for exemption are to be made to the School Principal in writing. Strict confidentiality will be observed with regard to the reasons given by parents to substantiate their request for exemption


(iii) Procedures for granting an exemption:

  • The Principal will determine whether an exemption can be granted by referring to the         grounds for exemption outlined above
  • The Principal will provide a summary report of applications for exemption at the following School Council meeting and seek ratification of the consequent recommendations. The Principal shall keep a written record of the decision on the applications in case the   decision is questioned subsequently.


Review of Dress Code:


The School Council will ensure the school community is informed prior to the commencement of any review. A major change will require the support of the majority of the school community. School Council will make amendments if deemed necessary.


Enforcement of the Dress Code:


Students who infringe the dress code will receive a graded series of sanctions:


(i) Initial Offence:

A reminder from the classroom teacher


(ii) Continued Offence:

The child will be given an infringement card following a discussion with a staff member.

After three (3) infringement cards, in any one year, step (ii) will be initiated


Parents will be notified of the infringement and asked to sign the acknowledgment slip sent home with the child


(iii) Ongoing Offence:

The student’s parents will be asked to attend the school to discuss the concerns with the school Principal / Assistant Principal

Children who infringe the dress code will not be able to represent the school, in the community, for optional educational activities. The school uniform is to be worn on all school excursions unless   alternative arrangements have been authorised by the Principal. If a child presents not wearing the appropriate uniform, the child may be excluded from the activity. Individual student safety and group security, when outside the school environment, must be prioritised.


Children will not be withdrawn from classroom instruction because of any infringement of the dress code. For continued offences, they may be withdrawn from the yard.





© Copyright Kingsley Park Primary School