Systematic Synthetic Phonics & Reading
At Kingsley Park Primary School we use researched evidence-based teaching practices to ensure all students succeed and thrive in their learning of English; developing a love of reading and writing and becoming confident readers and writers.
We use explicit teaching of literacy skills to develop students' knowledge and confidence and provide an environment where all students can grow in their ability to read, write and spell.
The Science of Reading is underpinned by 5 key areas of understanding:
Following the Science of Reading we use a systematic synthetic phonics approach in Prep - 2 and to underpin our Spelling Program and intervention in Years 3-6. Using Decodable Readers Australia (DRA) to support our programs students are explicitly taught sounds in a sequence and the skills to decode words when reading and encode words for writing. Within our extensive phonics program students also learn spelling rules and morphology. We are well resourced using Decodable Readers Australia for student reading at school and fot their take home reading. These decodable books have been designed to incorporate the development of phonemic awareness, phonics, comprehension, vocabulary and fluency. With 8 levels including fiction and non-fiction, students are extensively supported as they master each stage of reading.
At Kingsley Park we know that for children to understand what they have read and become fluent readers, they need to be able to efficiently decode words AND comprehend the language within a text. Fluency is the bridge between phonics and comprehension. Our programs support students to become efficient and competent readers.
In Years 3-6 students develop their skills in English through a range of rich mentor texts within our Reading Instructional Model. Students develop their fluency , vocabulary and comprehension skills exploring and responding to a range of texts in depth. Our well resourced library also engages students in reading for enjoyment and ensures they always have access to quality and engaging texts. We further support students in having access to a range of texts with the use of Reading Eggs and Decodable Readers online libraries.
At Kingsley Park Primary School students are systematically and explicitly taught the fundamentals of writing from letter formation and handwriting, spelling, constructing simple sentences and short texts through to longer pieces of writing and a range of text types.
In Prep, teachers begin with explicit modelling of letter formation using the Hartley Knows Program developed by an Occupational Therapist; this program models where to begin letters, size and shape and assist students in developing a consistency and automaticity in their letter formation. Students develop their confidence in writing simple sentences using their phonics knowledge to assist, along with their understanding of simple punctuation. Throughout the year Prep students have many hands-on experiences to engage them in the writing process, including going on 'Bear Hunts' and making 'Wombat Stew'. These experiences develop vocabulary and make students excited to write about their experiences.
Kingsley Park has a consistent approach to writing across the school during writing lessons, students are involved in a range of writing experiences linked to their learning including modelled, shared, and independent writing using mentor texts as examples. Students are explicitly taught structures for writing recounts, narratives, persuasives, procedures and informative texts. Skills are continuously built upon as students move through the school and language used is consistent. Teachers conference regularly with students throughout writing and provide regular feedback.
Decodable Readers Australia - Structured Synthetic Phonics Program
Victorian Curriculum - English
At Kingsley Park, Maths is linked to real life experiences, where students are encouraged to bring their prior knowledge and experiences to learning situations, use their preferred strategies to solve problems and are supported to take risks. Students have open access to hands-on materials to support their learning as they progress from concrete to abstract thinking within the mathematics curriculum. Students work through a sequenced curriculum building their understanding of mathematical concepts in number and place value to then apply this to other areas of mathematics including Measurement & Geometry and Statistics & Probability. Students are encouraged to articulate their thinking by sharing their strategies and reasoning in small collaborative groups, to challenge misconceptions and to learn from and with their peers. The mathematics classroom setting is flexible, providing students with multiple exposures to concepts, open ended tasks where students can build personal capacity and teachers can differentiate to meet the needs of all students.
All students participate in a minimum of 6 hours of mathematics learning every week based on a 5+1 model with the sixth hour specifically offering students opportunities to be critical thinkers and problem solvers, an integral skill for life. Students from Year 2 and above are invited to participate in both internal and external Computational Thinking Challenges such as Bebras and Maths Competitions; Math Olympiad, Australian Mathematics Competition and digital competitions offered by Mathletics throughout the year.
At Kingsley Park, we believe all students can learn to problem solve and be successful within the mathematics curriculum and most importantly love maths!
Victorian Curriculum - Mathematics
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