Visual Arts



Preps - ‘Bugs Life’
In Term Three, Prep students will discover the tiny world and life of bugs. They look at the patterns and
colours of bugs and explore these elements in their own work. Preps will develop techniques relevant to
paper craft and construction, collage, modelling, painting and printing and practise their fine motor skills.
Preps will exhibit their work in the art room and respond to artworks created by their peers.
We encourage families to ask their Prep children about the skills they are learning and the magnificent
artworks they are creating.

Juniors - ‘Sunflowers’
During Term Three, Juniors will be viewing and comparing artworks by Vincent Van Gogh. They will revise
what they know about colour, and identify primary + secondary colours as well as warm and cool colours.
The Juniors will focus on painting and working with fabrics and textiles in Term 3 and experiment with
mixing colours and learning simple stitches to create their own artworks.

*If parents have not already sent a labelled smock into school, can you please bring one as soon as


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