The Kingsley Parents Group (KPG) is a very important group within our community.
Interested parents, teachers and friends try to meet once each month.
The KPG has a representative on School Council so liaison between the two bodies is direct.
The role of the KPG is three-fold:
Firstly, it is a communication link between the community as a whole and the school. It serves as a
forum where constructive ideas are developed.
Secondly, the KPG is a social body, bringing together the
parents of the school in social activities. It has a role to play in
public relations. It endeavours to create a climate of
co-operation and trust where those interested can work
together for the benefit of the children.
Thirdly, the KPG has a fundraising role.
Under its umbrella comes various fund raising efforts
and activities including, our bi-annual school Carnival
alongside annual activities of Mother’s Day and Father’s day
As an organisation, it strives to co-ordinate and weld together the activities
of parents and teachers, and to represent their views as an avenue of communication.
If you are interested in being part of the Kingsley Park Parents Group, please contact the school office on 9789-0077 and we will put you in touch.
© Copyright Kingsley Park Primary School